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usm w Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT) 2024   | 11-14 November 2024 | Penang, Malaysia

Online Registration

Welcome to the APAMT Malaysia 2024 registration page! We’re thrilled that you’re interested in joining our event. Your safety and security are our top priorities, so we’ve taken several measures to ensure a smooth and secure registration process.

Secure Registration Link

To register for the conference, please click on the button below. This link will take you to our secure registration portal:

Safety Tips:

  1. Verify the URL: Always check that the URL begins with “https://” and includes the correct domain "".

  2. Look for the Padlock Icon: When you visit the registration page, look for the padlock icon next to the URL in your browser’s address bar. This indicates that the connection is encrypted and secure.

  3. Avoid Phishing Emails: Be cautious of emails claiming to be from the conference organizers. Scammers often send fake registration links via email. Always verify the sender’s address and cross-check it with the official conference communication channels.

  4. Check for HTTPS: Before entering any personal information (such as your name, email, or payment details), ensure that the registration page uses HTTPS. This encryption protocol protects your data during transmission.

  5. Contact the Organizers: If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of the registration page or encounter any suspicious activity, feel free to reach out to our dedicated registration team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Remember, our team is here to assist you throughout the registration process should you have any questions or need support.  We look forward to welcoming you to APAMT Malaysia 2024!

Become a Sponsor/Exhibitor at APAMT2024!

Elevate your brand presence. Unveil your brand to a discerning audience by showcasing your products, services, and latest innovations. Our conference provides the ideal platform for meaningful engagement with your target audience, offering valuable industry insights.