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usm w Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT) 2024   | 11-14 November 2024 | Penang, Malaysia

Online Submission

We are excited to invite you to submit your abstracts for APAMT Malaysia 2024! To ensure a smooth submission process, please note the following important information:

  1. Submission Platform: We use the EasyChair system for abstract submissions. If you do not already have an EasyChair account, you will need to create one. Please click the link below to be redirected to the EasyChair submission page for our conference.

  1. Submission Guidelines: Before submitting your abstract, please ensure that you have carefully read and understood the submission guidelines. These guidelines provide important details on the format, content, and other requirements for your abstract. You can find the guidelines on the following page:

  1. Deadline: Please take note of the submission deadline. Late submissions may not be accepted.

  2. Confirmation: After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email from EasyChair. Please ensure that your contact information is correct.

  3. Support: If you encounter any issues during the submission process or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and welcoming you to our conference. Thank you for your interest and contribution.